We’re so excited to have you as a member.
As Community Bank customers, you probably have questions about what’s going on with the STCU integration.
We’ve got you covered.
This page will be updated regularly with new information, so check back often.
Latest updates. Updated 3/13/25.
We're still a while away from welcoming you as a member, but we want to make sure you receive everything you need, including your member number, account information, debit card, and important disclosures.
Actions to take.
NewPlease confirm your contact information using our onboarding tool.
Confirm your infoFrequently asked questions. Updated 3/17/25.
For now, please make sure your contact info with Community Bank is up to date. Otherwise, it’s business as usual. Continue to conduct all your banking activities as you do today. Soon you will receive additional important information about this upcoming transition and how it relates to your accounts. Yes. Please continue to conduct your banking as you do today. As the transition date approaches, STCU will send you important information detailing how to access your accounts using their online banking tools. No. If you’re receiving Social Security payments, we encourage you to change the direct deposit information as soon as possible after the integration of STCU and Community Bank. However, even if you forget to make the change, or if the Social Security Administration is slow to react, any deposits directed to your old Community Bank account will be re-routed to your STCU account. There’s no risk in missing a deposit due to the integration of our two organizations. Yes. Unless otherwise specified, STCU will honor the current rate and term on your existing Community Bank loans. If you use a credit monitoring service, your Community Bank loan will close, and a new loan from STCU will appear in its place. Your move to STCU will not impact your credit score. However, please note that your Community Bank credit card will not make the move to STCU; it will remain serviced by your current administrator, TIB. Primarily, client convenience and sustainability. STCU’s products and services, along with its member-focused approach to banking, line up well with Community Bank. Plus, STCU’s brick and mortar commitment to serving rural markets will ensure that Community Bank clients have uninterrupted access to the financial services they need. Community Bank employees are your friends and neighbors and highly skilled financial professionals. That’s why it’s STCU’s intention to offer positions to all. Specifics about those opportunities will be discussed directly with each team member. Banks and credit unions offer many of the same services, and you’ll find that your Community Bank accounts align well with similar accounts at STCU. Like Community Bank, the credit union offers an array of savings and lending products, home loans, credit cards, and more – for consumers and businesses alike. As a not-for-profit cooperative, we’re owned by our members. Our headquarters is located in Liberty Lake, WA, just east of Spokane. Read about the credit union difference. We were founded by teachers in 1934, but our membership now is open to nearly anyone in Washington, North Idaho, and eligible counties in Eastern Oregon, plus others who meet certain qualifications. And we’ve been named the region’s favorite credit union for 16 consecutive years. Read more about membership. We’re waiving our membership fee for Community Bank clients. STCU accounts are federally insured by NCUA with up to $250,000 covered, which is the same as FDIC coverage. This coverage will automatically be in place when your deposits transition to STCU. Read more about NCUA coverage. When it’s not convenient to visit an STCU branch location, you may access your accounts at thousands of surcharge-free ATMs nationwide. STCU also has a robust mobile app, online banking, and local contact center, so you’ll always have a way to make transactions and check your account balances from anywhere. We have members living in all 50 states, and abroad. As a matter of fact, we are. STCU is increasing its commitment to the community, through both brick-and-mortar and digital expansion. We’ve set up a dedicated number for Community Bank clients. Give us a call at (888) 782-8669. We look forward to hearing from you!Is there anything I need to do right now?
Can I continue to access my accounts through Community Bank online banking and/or mobile banking?
New Will this interrupt my Social Security direct deposits?
I have a loan with Community Bank — will it transition to STCU?
Why did Community Bank choose to integrate with STCU?
What will happen to my favorite Community Bank employees?
Does STCU offer the same services as Community Bank?
Who owns STCU?
Isn’t STCU just for teachers?
Is there a fee for joining STCU?
I have FDIC Insurance coverage on my deposits today. Will that change when I’m with STCU?
Can a local credit union provide 24/7 access to my accounts, even when I’m out of town?
Is STCU here for good?
Where do I call for more information?